
I finally got continuous delivery (CD) working with Hugo on Netlify.

My Hugo static site build worked on my machine because I have all the dependencies installed. But I got hung up briefly because I did not realize I needed a gem file requiring the asciidoctor to have the CD pipeline load the gem and run it to convert all my AsciiDoc content into HTML. After some digging, I come across the need for the gem for Jekyll so I figured it applied to Hugo with AsciiDoc content too. It did. Once added, my broken builds on Netlify worked.

It seems to have worked well. The build process is pretty fast, and much faster than doing all of that manually each time I add a post.

This takes some building of familiarity with coding concepts and I would not try to explain this to my parents just yet, but I like the speed of create-to-public cycle time.

I use git to version control my site and when I push the new version to github, then Netlify picks up and automatically deploys a new version of the site. This is much faster than the old days of FTP to the Internet service provider.

I like this and will continue using it.

  1. Tell Hugo to create new content, say a post, using hugo new blog/myfilenamehere.adoc.

  2. Go to the contents | post and open the new file hugo made.

  3. Write the post as desired. Add tags if desired.

  4. Save the myfilenamehere.adoc file.

  5. Use git add and then git commit as usual.

  6. Use git push to move the new content to GitHub.

  7. Netlify revises the site and posts.

  8. The End

  9. Celebrate using the saved time.

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