How to Make Family History Website and Book with Same Data

I can show you a way with free tools to make both:

(1) Family History Website (2) Family History Book

With the same data, not one set for the site and another set for the book.

Why try to remember which one is most up-to-date?

Why hassle with separate data formats.

Remember playing with Legos as a child? That is how you build both. Using small modules of information that are used by both mediums.

Although, I primarily mean ebook, you can also use the same data to create a PDF for print publication with some simple switches or flags.

You can maintain your own data. You can access your site from any genealogical library or place if you have access to the web.

I can show you how to build and host this site for free too.

Now, as with all good things, it will take some effort. When I wanted to learn to drive, it took some time to get it down and practice until it felt natural. But I did it and it was great.

If you prefer not to learn new things or have an expectation that step 2 is magic happens, then you will want to pass on this idea.

Another reason in our digital age is to leave a legacy of your thoughts to your descendants. You can easily convert all your blog and web articles into print book form and bequeath it to one descendant. Or you can order multiple copies and give them to multiple descendants. Some may not care. I have enjoyed having my grandfather and father’s writings. It helps me better understand each of them.

Otherwise, buckle up.